AXQJ TT 12 kV 1x95/25




  • Product
    HD 620.10K
  • National
    SS 424 14 16


  1. Conductor Circular, stranded aluminium conductor with resistance and number of wires according to SS 424 14 08. The conductor is longitudinally water blocked according to SS 424 14 17.
  2. Inner conducting layer Semiconducting crosslinked polyeten.
  3. Insulation Crosslinked dry cured polyeten (PEX).
  4. Outer conducting layer Crosslinked conducting elastomer.
  5. Screen One layer of circular annealed copper wires, locked with swelltape.
  6. Moisturebarrier sheath Alongrunning plasticcoated aluminiumtape applied with glued overlap. The tape adheres the outher sheath.
  7. Sheath Black HFFR polyolefin. The sheath is marked, ie: "NEXANS GS AXQJ TT 12 kV 1 x 240/35 Ds2d2a2 year month" + metremarking.

The following applies if presstools are used:

The actual copperscreen are one cross section lower than the typemarking. This means that if the screen is 25 mm² the connector should be 16 mm². Al tape is grounded to the copper wires and don´t need to be connected in joints or terminations.

Lifemark™ recycling marking

The external surface of the outer sheath is embossed with a text which specifies all components in the polymers and prepares the cable for future recycling.


The cable is in appliable parts constructed according to HD 620.5-K. The cable can be loaded according to SS 424 14 16.

Quality and environmental management system

Certified according to ISO 9001, ISO/TS 16949 and ISO 14001.



Konstrukcinės charakteristikos

Konstrukcinės charakteristikos

Laidininko medžiagos
Laidininko forma
Apvalūs, susuktas
Išorinis apvalkalas
Variniai laidai
Laidininko lankstumas
Class 2

Matmenų charakteristikos

Matmenų charakteristikos

Šerdžių skaičius
Laidininko skerspjūvis
95 mm²
Nominalus išorinis diametras
26,0 mm
Apytikslis svoris
90,0 kg/100m
Ekrano atkarpa
25 mm²
Laidininko diametras
11,3 mm
Vidutinio apvalkalo storis
1,8 mm
Vidutinis izoliacijos storis
3,4 mm

Elektrinės charakteristikos

Elektrinės charakteristikos

Apytikslis induktyvumas, plokščia struktūra
0,7 mH/km
Apytikslis induktyvumas, trilapė struktūra
0,39 mH/km
Darbinė įtampa
12 kV
Maksimalus nuolatinės srovės laidininko varža esant 20° C
0,32 Ohm/km
Nominali fazės talpa
0,32 µF / km
Nominali Įtampa Uo/U
6 / 10 (12) kV
Varža, ekranas
0,8 Ohm/km
Įžeminimo sklaidos srovė esant 10 kV
1.74 A/km

Mechaninės charakteristikos

Mechaninės charakteristikos

Leistinoji traukos jėga
0,03 kN/mm²

Naudojimo charakteristikos

Naudojimo charakteristikos

Minimali montavimo temperatūra
−10 °C
Recommended minimum installation temperature
0 °C
Maksimali darbinė temperatūra
90 °C
Trumpo jungimo maksimali šerdies temperatūra
250 °C
Atsparus vandeniui
Išilginis ir radialinis
Lenkimo faktorius klojant
15 (xD)
Lenkimo faktorius montuojant
10 (xD)



Selling & delivery Information

The drum is marked with manufacturer, type of cable and length. The ends of the cable are sealed.

Declaration of Performance

  • Declaration of Performance n� : 1000537-SEGR
  • Certification Date : 2017-08-17
  • AVCP (Assessment and Verification of Constancy of Performance) : System 3
  • Notified body : 0366
  • Declared performance : Dca-s2,d2,a2

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